Authored by Weismart

All you need to do is just kill another random player!

Subsequently came the Duel Tournements and RS gold 3k cap. The 3k Duel Arena Staking Cap is a part of Jagex's attempt to get rid of Real World Trading (RWT). The Duel Tournements are just plain stupid. You pay a cost ot enter and then you just fight around 64 other people and should you win you get alot of money. Jagex believes that this is going to replace staking but actually it is not.

Now the Grand Exchange. This is really a nice update except when players enter the minimum price when buying an item and the maximum cost when selling an item. This causes costs on thing's to move up and down making an unstable market. Total The Grand Exchange isn't a bad update. Currently THE most pointless, strangest, MOST IDIOTIC update in RuneScape history. Bounty Hunter. Bounty Hunter is avalible into non-members and members and is assumed to take the area of the wilderness.

All you need to do is just kill another random player! And... That is it. That is supposed to make up to your 1/4 size of this wilderness so that RWT's can't move wealth. It is in fact hurting the rest of the players and nobody enjoys it. Now... The best way to help. Jagex needs to do the following.

Eliminate the 3k cap on the Duel Arena! Do not release the upgrade in January at which the costs when you trade someone else, must be within 3k of one another. This will be the last nail in the coffin for buy OSRS gold RuneScape! The way you can help. Don't go on"Strike" because that is just going to destroy the game even more. Jagex understands that these updates are dreadful and it's just a waiting game to see if they actually change them.

All you need to do is just kill another random player! 108 Bytes
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