AOL Email Login | AOL Mail Login Site
How to create or login to an AOL Mail account (in 2021) Want to start a new free email account? Why not try AOL Mail? Here’s a step by step guide to get you started. AOL Mail is AOL‘s free email service, allowing you to create an email account and online address book with 250 GB of storage. AOL Mail also has some handy features, including an integrated task calendar (which you can connect other users to), as well as automatic redirection of spam and phishing emails straight to your trash. On top of this, an AOL Mail account allows you to send emails with multiple attachments up to 25 MG in size. An AOL Mail account also gives you access to a bunch of other features, including assisting by AOL, Data Secure by AOL, and AOL Desktop, as well as the AOL app. The website also hosts an AOL live chat between users.