Tips for making a property purchase and sale contract in a simple and practical way
"How do I make a property purchase and sale contract?" it may be too specific a question for an audience that is used to dealing with real estate marketing. In some situations, filling in documentation and bureaucracies during working hours is so much that we cannot stop to understand why this work is being done. It is notable that the main objective of the client towards his real estate is to make the sale or purchase of a property. He is asking for your help and experience to make the business profitable and less problematic. Knowing how to make a property purchase and sale contract is one of the main requirements of the brokerage profession. You will work directly with a decisive factor and of great importance for the client's life. There is a high monetary value involved, in addition to the emotional connection and the circumstances in which this transfer is made. The property purchase and sale agreement is a document that can be both public and private. It will be useful to formalize the real estate transfer, placing on the agenda the main topics agreed between the seller and buyer of the enterprise. When the contract is an agreement that formalizes and conditions the business between two individuals and a property, it is necessary to comply with some specifications. We will talk about them in a little while, since we first need to have a brief sense of the rights that the contract provides for the negotiating parties.
What is a property purchase and sale agreement?
Well, as explained earlier, the purchase and sale contract is a document that formalizes and formalizes the negotiation of a property. This instrument is usually used when the payment of the property is in installments, or if other forms of settlement are agreed. The purchase and sale contract is basically a preliminary statement that the new owner will have the rights to enjoy the property, that the negotiation has been successfully concluded.
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What is the difference between purchase and sale contract, deed and property registration?
There is a certain difference between the property purchase and sale contract, the public deed and the registry. Before going into this explanation, we need to make it clear what the ownership and ownership of the property is. While the first allows the individual to exercise power over the building, the second grants the total right of ownership, which he can sell, rent or live in the property. So, explaining more briefly:
<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>The property purchase and sale contract belongs to a commercial exchange scope. It is a mechanism that establishes and defines the rules, values, terms and payment methods for trading.
<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>The public deed can be done in a notary or in the notary's office, its main function is to promote to the future owner certain rights of use and validation of exchange. We must not forget that the deed does not transfer the property right to the individual.
<![if !supportLists]>· <![endif]>The property registry is something a little more advanced. It is carried out in a registry office and allows the transfer of ownership of the property to the current owner. Remember that it will be this record that will define who the owner is.
It is important that you, the real estate agent, understand and seek to study the functioning of these three resources. They are essential for maintaining a real estate business.
What does a property purchase and sale agreement need to have?
Now that you are already versed in the documents necessary to formalize the agreement, it is necessary to study the parties that make up the present property purchase and sale agreement. Jetimob separated a short list with the items that cannot be missing:
Personal data of the buyer and seller
This is an indispensable element for the construction of a purchase and sale contract: it is necessary to know who is selling and who will be buying. Highlight these fields at the beginning of the document, inserting the name, profession, nationality, address and CPF and RG number of all individuals involved.
Property description
The property must be fully identified, containing the same description as in the Registry Office, in addition to the registration and detailed information on the items that make up the building.
Fines and payment methods
This section of the document is composed of two important pieces of information: how will the payment be made and what are the possible fines for noncompliance with any clause? It is necessary to make it clear how the property will be paid, either through financing, cash, check, card, bank deposit.
Total amount and deadline for delivery of the property
The contract will also state what will be the total amount paid by the buyer and on what date the property will be delivered. In addition to the full amounts, if there is any installment payment, the amount of each installment and the payment date must be specified.
Signatures and witnesses
Considered as the finalization of the document, the signatures of all the individuals involved, and of two witnesses who are not related to negotiation, formalize the agreement. To ensure greater security, this contract is then registered with a notary and legally made official. And now? Do you, a realtor, already know how to make a real estate purchase and sale contract? Jetimob brings you tips on how to deal with bureaucracy and everyday situations in the real estate market in a simplified way.