The new runescape minigame where you are transported into an alternate universe
Another question to think about is why is it that veracs is the only viable melee technique. I've tried barrows with bgs, a whip+defender, and both worked well. They work much better than the veracs version RS 2007 Gold. The slower attack speed and low hits were not enough to make it through my first trip.
This isn't an issue This isn't a suggestion. This is not a question it's a philosophical view. I do not wish anyone to be dishonest. Please read through the entire text. You are welcome to offer me support or disprove my assertions. Please do not attempt to be intelligently, as this is not the purpose of this. In replying, I would like your opinion on the subject. It is not necessary to look up the opinions of other people. Just say what you think.
I would include more lines, but an idiot could tell what the chat room looked like after the initial few lines. A player with a level 132 is a part of. My wimpy nature (because any more marks could result in my account being banned) I often stop conversations at this moment. but this was getting interesting and i couldnt help to keep reading. The level 132 declares he knows an all black people clan! Player1 declares that his dad is part of klan irl, and that he hates blacks.
Mr level 132 counters are adorned with something similar. "I'll get all blacky-chanted in your asses." Then the shizzle really hits the fan cause by then other slayers within the dungeon are interested and choosing sides. We were the only eight people in that dungeon at that time. Every1 except the level 116 was on the side of racism and yelled racist things OSRS Buy Gold, and making the chat room appear to be written by 50 cent. every one ignore the level 116 who hadnt spoken even a single word.