Authored by Weiweismart

You're not wasting your time trying to complete


This has been discussed many times before, but I'll try to WOW Classic TBC Gold make it more intriguing. This can be done if you are having fun. The choice of which client to use is purely personal. The WotLK client is superior due to the fact that it offers an array of exciting new features that you can play around with, and the content is generally identical with regards to things like talents and skills.

You're not wasting your time trying to complete this daunting task with the aim of attracting many players. It's not like this community will flock to custom servers , and even were they to, their desire for new releases could lead them to consume the entire server in three months, when it would take more than a year to finish.

Hello, I would like to thank everyone for your contributions to this topic. Although I didn't anticipate such a large number of feedbacks. What is certain is that I'll be studying each of them with intense focus. The most important issue is using Azerothcore as well as another emulator to run this project and to be in line with my beliefs. I'm still not certain, but I'll continue to keep this issue in the forefront for you to know my decision.

Wotlk is my top client as a player, simply for their playability. Mounting requirements for lower levels speed, faster leveling, class balance, rdf.. all things combined makes wotlk an "easier" to use, more user fun game.

The plot follows that Zeus has been expelled from Olympus and is taken by Hera Queen of the Heavens. Zeus is feeling most of the time self-pity/going through a major bender. The heroes have discovered several imminent catastrophes, and as the followers of Gods explicitly allied with Zeus have set out to locate Zeus, the God of Thunder to avert one or several cataclysms.

They found that Athens, Delphi and Sparta are excellent locations to begin their search. I prepared mini games to play in these areas, Sparta with Olympic games and Delphi with riddles ,.... I also thought that I could incorporate some game elements to Athens to allow them to be able to interact in some way.

Inspired by the opera battle in the game WoW TBC (where you can encounter and defeat either Romeo+Juliet, the wizard of Oz characters or the wolf from little red riding hood), I've decided on making this the concept of the encounter or the basis of the encounter at the least. My wife has already suggested 'Amletos, prince of cheap WOW TBC Gold Thrace as a variation of Hamlet, though i haven't come up with mechanics to show this.

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